Malaysia is a land of dense evergreen tropical
rainforests with a diverse range of plants and animals.
You will see various species of large, lush trees, palm
and orchid plants all around the land. The Taman Negara
Rainforest and Belum Temengor Tropical Rainforest are
some of the world’s oldest rainforests at over 130
million years old.
Nature tours in Malaysia will take you to places you’ve
never even imagined. A well-known plant only found in
Southeast Asia is the Rafflesia. This (see picture)
is the plant with the largest flower in the world
and can reach a weight of 10 kg.

Rafflesia, the largest flower in the world
something closer in Kuala Lumpur, you could explore the
KL Forest Eco-Park, which is in the heart of KL itself
or FRIM which is located about 20 minutes from KL City
center to experience a glimpse of the wonderful fauna of
The forests and scrublands are inhabited by a large
variety of animal life. Mammals include elephants,
tigers, mousedeer, Sumatran rhinoceroses, orang-utans,
and tapirs. Green sea turtles and giant leatherback
turtles’ nest on the beaches of the east coast. The
official national animal of Malaysia is the Malayan
Tiger, a subspecies of tiger that is mostly found in the
southern and central parts of the country. Malaysia is
also one of the rare places in the world to see the
orang-utan in their natural habitat and this (see
picture) is found in Borneo.