The first professor of ophthalmology in Japan was Jujiro Komoto, who returned from Germany to Tokyo Imperial University in 1889. In 1897, Takuji Suda, Yoshiakira Ohnishi and Genjiro Kawakami established the Japanese Ophthalmological Society (JOS) and invited Professor Komoto to be the first president. The JOS is the second oldest medical society in Japan, after the Japanese Association of Anatomists. Since then, a general meeting has been held annually. The JOS celebrated its centennial anniversary in 1996. Famous members of the JOS include Mikito Takayasu (Takayasu disease), Chuta Oguchi (Oguchi disease), Yoshizo Koyanagi (Vogt-Koyanagi disease), Einosuke Harada (Harada disease), Akira Urayama (acute retinal necrosis, Kirisawa-Urayama uveitis), as well as Tatsuji Inoue, who first reported the relation between the visual field and its projection to the occipital lobe, and Shinobu Ishihara, who developed pseudo-isochromatic plates for color blindness.
Contact Information: Japanese Ophthalmological Society 2-4-11-402, Sarugakucho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8346, Japan Phone: +81-3-3295-2360 Fax: +81-3-3293-9384 Email: Website: |