Society Membership Criteria & Application


The Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) has national member ophthalmic societies  and regional subspecialty member societies. The APAO welcomes membership from any ophthalmological societies of nations and/or territories in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as regional and/or international subspecialty-based societies in ophthalmology. National member applicants will be vetted by the
APAO Membership Standing Committee
with reference to the following selection criteria. Applying national ophthalmic societies approved by the Membership Standing Committee will be presented by the Chair of the Membership Standing Committee to the APAO Council for endorsement during the APAO Council Meeting immediately before the next APAO Annual Congress. Subspecialty-based member applicants will be vetted by both the APAO Subspecialty and the APAO Membership Standing Committees with reference to the following selection criteria. Applying subspecialty societies approved by both the APAO Subspecialty and the APAO Membership Standing Committees will be presented by the Chair of the APAO Membership Standing Committee to the APAO Council for endorsement during the APAO Council Meeting immediately before the next APAO Annual Congress.

1. National Society Selection Criteria

1.1 The applying ophthalmic society must be the national society of ophthalmology representative of its nation/tariff territory in the Asia-Pacific region, representing the great majority of practicing registered ophthalmologists in that nation / tariff territory.
1.2   The applicant must be a society recognized as of good standing with:
        1.2.1 A proper registration
     1.2.2 Constitution and/or Memorandum and Articles listing out clearly its objectives, vision and mission
1.3  The society leadership must recognize and agree with the Mission Statements of APAO.
1.4  The applicant should have a regular and transparent democratic process to elect Office Bearers and Council Members.
1.5  Membership of this society must be open to all practicing registered ophthalmologists within the nation / tariff territory.

To apply, please return an application form to

2. Subspecialty-Based Society Selection Criteria

2.1  The subspecialty society should be based in the Asia-Pacific region.
2.2  The subspecialty societymust represent an ophthalmic subspecialty widely recognized and practiced in the member nations of APAO.
2.3  The applicant must be a society recognized as of good standing with:
        2.3.1 A proper registration
        2.3.2 Constitution and/or Memorandum and Articles listing out clearly its objectives, vision and mission
2.4  The society leadership must recognize and agree with the Mission Statements of APAO
2.5  The applicant should have a regular and transparent democratic process to elect Office Bearers and Council Members.
2.6  Membership of this society must be open to all practicing registered ophthalmologists with the same subspecialty interest in all APAO member nations.

To apply, please return an application form to

3. Associate Membership

National ophthalmic societies and/or regional subspecialty societies that do not fulfill the criteria for full membership but have potential to facilitate the Academy to accomplish its mission and vision may be considered for associate membership.

4. Membership Benefits

4.1  Member societies shall have the right to participate in the activities of the Academy, including:
       4.1.1 Annual APAO Council Meeting and General Assembly;
       4.1.2 Annual APAO Congress;
       4.1.3 APAO Award Nominations;
       4.1.4 APAO Leadership Development Program Nominations;
       4.1.5 APAO International Fellowship Program Nominations;
       4.1.6 Other APAO’s collaborative activities with the international ophthalmic communities, such as the APAO Eye Care Week
4.2  Members of APAO’s member societies shall have free access to:
       4.2.1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology (APJO), the official journal of the APAO;
       4.2.2 Ocular Surgery News – APAO Edition, the official newspaper of the APAO;
       4.2.3 APAO Online Education
4.3  Acknowledgment of membership in the official website of the APAO.
4.4  National society members will have the right to bid for hosting the APAO Annual Congress in conjunction with their national society congress in their country,while subspecialty-based societies have the right to organize at least 1 symposium at the APAO Annual Congress.

5. Associate Membership Benefits

5.1 Associate member societies shall have the right to attend the annual APAO Council Meeting and General Assembly. Nevertheless, they shall have no voting rights in the meetings.
5.2 Members of APAO’s associate member societies shall have free access to:
       5.2.1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology (APJO), the official journal of the APAO;
       5.2.2 Ocular Surgery News – APAO Edition, the official newspaper of the APAO;
       5.2.3 APAO Online Education
5.3 Acknowledgment of associate membership in the official website of the APAO.
5.4 Associate member societies will be able to enjoy reduced congress registration if they represent a developing nation.

6. Membership Fee

6.1 Each member society is subject to a nominal entrance fee of US$100 upon approval by the APAO Council of their membership application.
6.2 Each associate member society is subject to a nominal entrance fee of US$50 upon approval by the APAO Council of their membership application.
6.3 Each member society shall pay an annual subscription fee of US$100, which is collected on a biennial basis.
6.4 The Council may by a resolution terminate the membership of a(n) (associate) member who fails to pay the subscription fee for two consecutive years. Subject to the Council’s approval, (associate) membership may be reinstated upon payment of the subscription fee in arrears.
6.5 The membership fee is subject to adjustment by the APAO Council.

Document Version: 1.2
Date of endorsement by APAO Membership Standing Committee: 23/3/2016
Date of endorsement by APAO Subspecialty Standing Committee: 23/3/2016
Date of endorsement by APAO Executive Committee: 23/3/2016