APAO LDP Class 2023-24 (Class XII)

Program Outline

  • Orientation Class

The APAO Leadership Development Program Class 2023-24 attended the Orientation Class on February 23 and 24, 2023 at the 38th APAO Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Orientation Class comprised of an introduction to LDP, and a one-day intensive and interactive Insights Discovery Workshop facilitated by Prof. Muhammad MOIN. 

  • Master Class

The 3-day Master Class, proudly hosted by the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology (PAO), brought together 19 APAO participants and 10 local participants from August 18th to 20th, 2023, in Manila, Philippines. The LDP faculty team designed informative and highly interactive sessions, while the local hosts provided diverse networking opportunities.

  • Graduating Class

Twenty participants presented their self-initiated LDP Projects on February 24 at the APAO 2024 Bali Congress and graduated successfully from the Leadership Development Program.

LDP Abstract Book_Class 2023-24 (Class XII)