11th Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week

We are pleased to share with you that the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) is organizing its eleventh Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week in the third week of October, from 11 – 17 October 2021, in conjunction with World Sight Day 2021 (14 October 2021).

This year, the Public Education Standing Committee has proposed two major themes for the event, namely, ‘Eye Involvements and Symptoms from COVID-19 Infection’ and ‘Optic Neuritis’. We are much delighted to have our Public Education Standing Committee and Asian Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (ASNOS), to co-organize the 2021 Eye Care Week and to help produce a comprehensive set of educational materials and media kit.

Member societies are invited to use the reference materials for public educational purposes during the 11th Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week. Where appropriate, member societies are encouraged to translate the educational materials and media kit into the local language for more effective communication.

Please do also share with us the public educational and community service activities you will be organizing in your locality during this period.

Media Kit

11th Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week: A remarkable year

The 11th Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week, held in conjunction with World Sight Day 2021, was slightly different than in previous years, as it was conducted during the pandemic. We were glad to learn that Bangladesh, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong (China), Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand both launched online and/or offline campaigns to support this meaningful event.

The Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) would like to thank Public Education Standing Committee and Asian Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (ASNOS) to co-organize the 2021 Eye Care Week and to help produce a comprehensive set of educational materials and media kit for all APAO member societies to use, as well as all member societies that participated in this important event.

Let’s take a look at the summary of this year’s activities.


In connection with the 11th Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week, more than 9 activities were held throughout the week, organized by Ophthalmological Society of Bangladesh (OSB). Such as Scientific Seminars for the Post Graduate students, Residents and Junior and Senior Doctors of Chittagong Lions Eye Hospital, BIRDEM General Hospital and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU); Awareness Development Programs designated for OPD senior citizen patients and attendants in Khulna BNSB (Bangladesh National Society for the Blind) Eye Hospital, National Institute of Ophthalmology (NIO) and OSB Eye Hospital; and a Screening in OSB Eye Hospital.


The 2.5 days China Ophthalmic Education Forum featuring extensive Wetlab and Drylab technical and surgical trainings, and videotaped teaching materials to echo Eye Care Week, participated by 877 trainees and 143 senior eye doctors serving as training volunteers. Other educational programs such as lectures, seminars and case discussions were hosted online at the same time, attracting 11,570 attendees.

Chinese Taipei

The Ophthalmological Society of Chinese Taipei invited 3 doctors to deliver talks to raise public awareness of the eye health, especially in glaucoma, optic neuritis, and eye involvements and symptoms from COVID-19 infection.





Hong Kong, China

Founded by the Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society (HKOS), the Lions Eye Bank hosted a general eye health education lecture, which was presented by Dr. Arthur Cheung; a free screening service and an eye health counselling. These activities were greatly enjoyed by senior patients.


This year, the Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA/Perdami) organized both online and offline activities, using integrated media to cover a wide range of eye care tips, eye health and eye disease topics. Activities such as webinar for general practitioners, Instagram live talk show, television and radio interview and talk show, charity cataract surgery, and free eye examination.


Perdami Report on WSD Events – APAO Eye Care Week 2021


In conjunction with World Sight Day 2021, the Korean Ophthalmological Society (KOS) also set aside a week for its annual eye care campaign – ‘The Eye Day’. During the week, project, TV interview and Green Light Event were organized to raise public awareness of the prevention of macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Regular fundoscopy has been encouraged as well by the distribution of posters, feature articles, and press interviews.

Poster of the 51st  ‘Day of the Eyes’


With the theme “Love Your Eyes”, Malaysia Advocacy for Myopia Prevention (MAMP) hosted a 7-days event focusing the public education on eye health through social media platforms, national TV, radio interviews and publish newspaper articles. The below were the detailed event timetable and articles.

World Sight Day 2021 by MAMP Photos



The Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand organized community services and public educational activities to raise awareness among the public about Optic Neuritis.